
Pansarap Project

Nourishing young minds

The Pansarap Project is a nutritional supplementation program targeting school children identified as "severely wasted." Our mission is clear: to provide these learners with a nutritious bread during their recess time. This initiative aligns with the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition (PPAN) guidelines and spans a 120-day period to ensure adequate and sustained nutritional support for these children.

The core objective of the program is to augment school-based feeding efforts by supplying locally produced buns. These buns are carefully crafted to improve the nutritional status of severely wasted learners within a period of 90 to 120 days.

Our program targets identified schools with a high incidence of malnutrition among children in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, committed to making a real impact in the lives of these young learners.